
A utilizer submits a proposal for utilizing liquidity among the protocol vaults by specifying the necessary parameters specific to an instrument.

Parameter details are in the subpage

By doing so, the utilizer deploys a contract that contains the instrument’s logic and inherits from the protocol’s base instrument contract. An AMM instance(a new prediction market) is generated and new longZCB and shortZCB tokens for the underlying instrument are deployed. The initial price of longZCB is set as a function of the proposed parameters.

For a fixed-term instrument, the higher the proposed returns of the instrument, the lower the initial price of longZCB. At maturity, all longZCB would be redeemable for 1USD(for fixed-term instruments). For a perpetual instrument, the initial price is going to be set as a constant(the system is agnostic to the initial price here). The parameters outlined above will parametrize the new tranche such as junior's level of leverage and the amount of senior holder's guaranteed returns.

Example: A utilizer is a borrower, and the instrument is a Creditline. The utilizer submits a proposal for a fixed-term loan and proposes a principal, yield, and duration of the loan. If the borrower is asking for a collateralized loan, he will also have to provide its address and an LTV. All this logic would be provided as input to the constructor of our Creditline contract, which would be deployed when the proposal is submitted. When the instrument is approved, the protocol's vault will supply to this Creditline contract and the borrower can post collateral to drawdown on a custom loan.

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